Good credit is essential for financial success. With a good credit score, you can qualify for loans and credit cards with favorable terms and low interest rates. This means you can save money on interest payments, have more financial flexibility, and be able to afford the things you need and want. credit repair credit score monitoring
Our service includes your private assessment, contacting creditors on your behalf, sending documentation back and forth, and more. We have been trained on recent laws, statutes, and credit reporting practices. We also know what items on your report affect your score the most.
A low credit score can keep you from the things you want. But did you know a low credit score can impact a lot more than just financing? Do the best thing you can do for your future. Call us today and let our experience save you time, money, and frustration. credit repair credit score monitoring
With the increased risk of identity theft and credit fraud, it's more important than ever to know what's happening with your credit at all times. While reviewing your full credit report throughout the year is a great way to stay on top of your credit, your financial information needs all the protection you can give it.
With a credit monitoring service you can trust, not only will you be able to receive your credit reports and scores easily, you will also be notified if any suspicious or unauthorized activity occurs on your credit report.
With SmartCredit®, our goal is to provide you with a simple platform for your money and credit all in one place, and with innovative tools to help you rest assured that your credit accounts are being monitored 24/7.
With tools such as ScoreTracker, ScoreBuilder®, and ScoreBoost™, it's now easier than ever to track all your scores and see what's helping or hurting your credit score. Also, use our Action buttons to communicate directly with your creditors, so you can better control your future credit score.
Take a look at some of the innovative credit monitoring tools we offer. credit repair credit score monitoring
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We get to work repairing your credit.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Each situation is different, but most of our customers see results within 60-90 days. However, the key to successful credit repair is time and patience. Credit repair is not an overnight quick fix.Finally, legally we cannot guarantee any results to any customer before the work is done.
No two credit histories are the same. That said, depending on the situation, we've seen increases as large as 200+ points.
First, we'll evaluate your credit history and dispute any incorrect findings. Then, we'll prioritize the actions that will improve your credit score the fastest.
35% – Payment History
30% – Debt Ratio
15% – Length of Credit History
10% – Types of Credit
10% – Number of Credit Inquiries
The percentages in this chart show how important each of the categories is in determining your Credit score. We will help you to remove negative items from your payment history. We will also show you how to maximize your debt ratio score, even if paying off credit cards is not an option.
Credit bureaus collect and sell four basic types of information:
1: Identification and employment information
Your name, birth date, Social Security number, employer, and spouse’s name are routinely recorded in your credit report. They may also provide information about your employment history, home ownership, income, and previous address, if a creditor requests this type of information.
2: Public record information
Events that are a matter of public record, such as bankruptcies, foreclosures, or tax liens, may appear in your report.
3: Inquiries
CRAs must maintain a record of all creditors who have asked for your credit history within the past year. It is generally beneficial to keep the number of inquires as low as possible.
4: Payment history
Your accounts with different creditors are listed, along with the balances, high balances, and outstanding balances. Related events, such as referral of an overdue account to a collection agency, charge off accounts or other delinquencies may also be noted.
Always pay your bills on time!
- Don’t close old accounts!
- Don’t apply for any new credit!
- Don’t ever use more than 30% of your available credit on each credit card!
If you are denied credit, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires that the creditor give you a notice that tells you the specific reasons your application was rejected or the fact that you have the right to learn the reasons if you ask within 60 days. Indefinite and vague reasons for denial are illegal, so ask the creditor to be specific. Acceptable reasons include: “Your income was low” or “You haven’t been employed long enough.” Unacceptable reasons include: “You didn’t meet our minimum standards” or “You didn’t receive enough points on our credit scoring system.”
If a creditor says you were denied credit because you are too near your credit limits on your charge cards or you have too many credit card accounts, you may want to reapply after paying down your balances or closing some accounts. Credit scoring systems consider updated information and change over time.
If you’ve been denied credit, or didn’t get the rate or credit terms you want, ask the creditor if a credit scoring system was used. If so, ask what characteristics or factors were used in that system, and the best ways to improve your application. If you get credit, ask the creditor whether you are getting the best rate and terms available and, if not, why. If you are not offered the best rate available because of inaccuracies in your credit report, be sure to dispute the inaccurate information in your credit report.
Dispute with the 3 major credit reporting Bureaus and creditors. This is only available if you have 5 or less negative items on your credit report. Also, you must have no public record on your credit report.
Preferred Option
Dispute with 3 major bureaus and freezing secondary bureaus and contacting creditors if necessary. This is the most preferable option because we will contact secondary bureaus, data sellers, original creditors and where public records are on consumer files we will contact courts if necessary, and all major bureaus.
NOTE: If you have bankruptcy or public records on credit report only the gold package option is available for you. There is a one-time $145 initial onboarding and processing fee for all packages that must be paid . After the first round is sent then the monthly fee will be charged on the same day the dispute is sent off.
Contact us today let one of your knowledgeable team members help you get started
We know that untangling your credit can be both stressful and confusing. Send us a message today, and we can get you started on a path to financial confidence.
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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